Sun. Jan 26th, 2025

Stephanie W. Cheng


Journal Publications 

  1. Cheng, S. (2012, accepted). “That’s it for today”: Academic lecture closings and the impact of class size. English for Specific Purposes. (SSCI)
  2. Cheng, S. (2012). A contrastive study of master thesis acknowledgements by Taiwanese and North American students. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 2(1), 8-17.
  3. Cheng, S., Kuo, C.-W., & Kuo, C.-H. (2012). Research article titles in applied linguistics. Journal of Academic Language & Learning, 6(1), A1-A14.
  4. Kuo, C.-W., Cheng, S., & Kuo, C.-H. (2011). Citations in research article sections: Integrating forms and functions. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 8(1), 67-94.
  5. Cheng, S., & Kuo, C.-W. (2011). A pragmatic analysis of MA thesis acknowledgements. Asian ESP Journal, 7(3), 29-58.
  6. Cheng, S. (2010). A corpus-based approach to the study of speech act of thanking. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, 36(2), 254-274. (THCI Core 台灣人文學引文索引核心期刊)


Conferences Presentations:

  1. Chu, F.-P., & Cheng, S. (2011, August). Analyzing interactional strategies of radio interview in a genre-based approach. Paper presented at the Asian EFL Journal-TESOL Asia International EFL Conference, Cebu, Philippines.
  2. Cheng, S. (2011, June). A cross-cultural comparison of master thesis acknowledgements by American and Chinese speakers of English. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macao, China.
  3. Cheng, S. (2010, May). A corpus-based approach to academic lecture closing. Paper presented at JALTCALL 2010 International Conference, Kyoto, Japan.
  4. Cheng, S. (2008, October). The speech act of thanking in corpus and DCT. Paper presented in Cross-strait Tri-Jiaotong Conference on Applied Linguistics, Xian, China.
  5. Cheng, S. (2006, June). An exploratory cross-sectional study of L1 pragmatic change. Paper presented at the Joint AAAL-ACLA/CAAL 2006 Conference, Montreal, Canada.
  6. Cheng, S. (2005, April). Pragmatic development among Taiwanese L2 English learners in the United States. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.